After the Mission To Mars attraction was shuttered to Disneyland guests, the show building was still used. For a short time the attractions' boarding concourse was used as a Magic Kingdom Club Member "gift Redemption Center". Later, Disneyland's entertainment division used the same area as storage and temporary offices as their former space above the Carousel Theatre was being gutted.
A horribly out-of-place musical stage show "Toy Story Playhouse" was performed in front of the "Mars" facade. While the Plaza Inn on Main Street USA was being renovated the old prop rotisserie of chicken, turkeys and roasting meats in front of fiberglass glowing coals were stored on the attractions exit corridors.

While Imagineers came up with dozens and dozens of great ideas for possible replacements for the space once held by Mission To Mars, the bureaucratic management of Paul Pressler's regime was not about to release the purse strings to allow any such ideas to materialize in the 'New Tomorrowland" of 1998. Sadly because of this, the space intended for an attraction became a restaurant --the idea that now a direct revenue could be made from the space made Presser and his cohorts happy. The Imagineers secret scheme was to make the restaurant part attraction as well. The working title for the project was called the "Tomorrowland Transportation Warehouse" a fictional "museum" and semi storage facility where all the elements for Tomorrowlands past would be on display. Guests could dine sitting in one of the two circular theaters and see portions of" Mission To Mars"," Flight To The Moon", and even "Rocket To The Moon"! The last piece of a surviving Mark III Monorail (Big Red) would have also been on view as well as be accessible to guests. Smaller "snack seating" would be available in old Autopia Cars, Skyway cabins, and PeopleMover cars. Here too guests would view old props, posters, signs and other artifacts celebrating all things Tomorrowland while listening to the sounds, music, and safety spiels of Tomorrowlands past.

As Mission To Mars and Tomorrowland demolition began, so did the demolition of the entire projects budget. Eventually the grand plans for the "Tomorrowland Museum Restaurant" became smaller and smaller. Disneyland Restaurants division felt the props and historical elements of the project were talking up too much "paying customers" seating space, and the cost to refurbish many of the vehicles for use was too expensive, so rather than a great big beautiful "WOW" experience for Disneyland guest,the project resulted in a College Commissary atmosphere under the name of Red Rockets Pizza Port.
Looking out from the Mars passenger concourse
It didn't take long to "peel away" the future.
Think of all the passengers who passed through here between 1967 and the 1990's!!
below: "Mister Johnson........Mister Johnson...........??? Hello.............???
here you can see the multi-layered viewing ramps for guests while viewing "Mission Control".....beyond is one of the flight status screens inside you DC-88 SPACELINER
The remains of the left side exit corridor mural is visible in the back
be careful as you find your seat inside the remains of a DC-88 SPACELINER cabin
.....use the handrail please.....
this damage was caused not by "meteoroids" but by Disneyland bean-counters!
The last of the seats removed, the skeletal remains of Mission To Mars. If you look closely you might be able to see the spirits of happy Disneyland guests on their "Mission To Mars".......
Mission To Mars March Month will be over, but yet another few posts will follow on the legacy of Mission To Mars.....including some relics and artifacts that have survived into the real 21st Century!!